Are there any discounts available at JET Institute?
Following discounts are available at our institute:
- depending on how many times you have studied with us, we offer 5%-25% discount;
- in case the whole class is continuing to study (i.e. advancing a level), 10% discount is available to each student;
- in case family members are studying together, 5% discount is available to each member;
- in case a group of co-workers are studying, 5% discount is available to each person.
Are there any scholarships available at JET Institute?
There are two types of scholarships that are offered from our institute:
- Scholarship granted from our faculty
Students who have excelled in their study at Academic English-Advanced course, can get 50% discount scholarship to study at either IETLS or iBT TOEFL course. The following students are eligible for this scholarship:
- have graduated from Academic English-Advanced course with a score over 95%;
- have not missed more than two classes;
- have actively participated in Student Union activities.
- Scholarship competition organized from our marketing department
Every season our marketing department organizes a scholarship competition. The nature, amount of the grant and requirements of each competition vary, and all the details are announced through different media one month in advance.
In 2015, JET School of English and JET Institute has granted the following scholarships:
- Full scholarship to study at JET School of English was awarded to the winner of “JET Holy-Day” Facebook social photo competition;
- Full scholarship to study at JET School of English was awarded to the “Leading young volunteer of 2015”;
- Full scholarship to study at JET School of English was awarded to Buyankhishig, volunteer known as “Eco boy”;
- Full scholarship to study at JET School of English was awarded to the top three participants of poem competition dedicated to 20 Years Anniversary of the school;
- Full scholarship to study at IBT TOEFL course was awarded to the winner of essay competition dedicated to establishment of JET Institute;
- Full scholarship to study at JET Institute was awarded to the three participants of “Balloon & Share” social media competition dedicated to the establishment of the institute.