
  • The Graduate Management Admission Test, more commonly known as the GMAT, is a computer-based examination used to measure skills important to the study of management.
  • Schools with graduate-level management programs use GMAT test scores to compare applicants and make admissions decisions.
  • More than 6,000 management graduate programs around the world require or accept GMAT scores from applicants.
  • In general, schools will consider scores for as long as they are reported by the test provider. All scores from a five-year period will be reported. It is a good idea to check policies at individual schools since some shorter time periods for accepting scores may be in effect.

Test Format & Structure

Test format

The GMAT exam consists of four sections: An analytical writing assessment, integrated reasoning, the quantitative section, and the verbal section. Total testing time is three and a half hours.

Test Structure

Section Time Limit Questions Tasks
Analytical writing assessment 30 minutes 1 topic Analysis of argument
Integrated reasoning 30 minutes 12 questions
  • Multi-source reasoning
  • Graphics interpretation
  • Two-part analysis
  • Table analysis
Quantitative section 75 minutes 37 questions
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Problem solving
Verbal section 75 minutes 41 questions
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Critical Reasoning
  • Sentence Correction

Test Score & Score Calculations

Test Score

The GMAT format includes four sections that are scored separately.

  • Quantitative and Verbal are scored between 200 and 800.
  • The Integrated Reasoning section is scored on a scale of 1-8,
  • and the Analytical Writing Assessment is hand-graded on a scale of 0-6 in .5 increments.

Score Calculation

A GMAT score is made up of several different numbers, each of which covers a part of your performance on the GMAT. The most familiar number is the Overall, or composite, GMAT score. This number ranges from 200 to 800 in 10-point increments and is determined by a combination of your scores on the Quantitative and Verbal sections of the test. Business schools tend to focus on your Overall GMAT score.

Your Verbal and Quantitative sections are graded separately. You will receive a score ranging from 0 to 60 for each section. Scores below 8 and above 51 are rare.

Your Integrated Reasoning section is scored from 1 to 8 in 1-point increments. Questions have multiple parts, and you must answer each part correctly to get credit for the question. The Integrated Reasoning score is not included in the Overall score. Your Analytic Writing Assessment (AWA) section is graded on a scale of 0 to 6 evaluated by two readers (one human and one computer). GMAC averages the two grades for the essay and rounds to the nearest 1/2 point. Your AWA GMAT score does not count toward your Overall GMAT score.

Test Duration

The total time for the exam is 3 hours and 30 minutes.

  • Analytical writing assessment: 30 minutes
  • Integrated reasoning: 30 minutes
  • Quantitative section: 75 minutes
  • Verbal section: 75 minutes

Test Fee

The official GMAT test fee is 250 USD.

Official Test Centers

You can take an official GMAT test at Success Center-Ulaanbaatar city, Sukhbaatar district, 1st khoroo, Seoul Street, Od Plaza building.

Tel: +(976) 91903196, +(976) 99843200